America Trucking Show -- a celebration of OOIDA's 40th anniversary -- is certainly no exception.
A bunch of folks have relocated to the Kansas Speedway in Kansas City, Kan., and are prepping for the show. They're parking show trucks, helping vendors set up, parking attendee trucks -- you name it and they are probably doing it.
They probably feel pretty special. The picture is a sneak peek at some of the competitors that Field Editor Suzanne Stempinski sent me, trying to rub it in that she's playing with cool trucks already and I'm here at the office.
But a lot of us are holding down the fort one more day at OOIDA's HQ before we hit the show tomorrow.
Normally, that might be kind of a bummer. But honestly it's been really cool. We have a number of longtime members who are able to come and take a tour of the building -- some for the first time.
We've had the chance to visit with Lee and Kari Fischer, Shelle Lichti, Wilson Miller, Bob Ruckman ... to name a few. And I see some more heading in the door now.
They all are some cool people who have been around a long time and have some amazing stories to tell about the Association and just straight up truckin' memories.
It's going to be a great time with everyone at the show. We promise to blog and share the best stories (and maybe even a tall tale or two) that we hear at the show, so those of you who are unable to attend won't miss out.
Friday morning, 10 a.m., the show will open. I can't wait.
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